Dokimazo means to test, to put to the test, to verify...and that's what we'll be doing tomorrow...testing you! When it's Friday it's dokimazo: testing time!
TOMORROW IS TEST DAY IN MY CLASS...my students know that every Friday is a test day.
This is the key word today, students. Testing in the class is one thing...testing in the Christian life is another. I give you a grade because of your results in classwork. Who gives you a grade based on your Christian walk? I guess you could say Jesus does...but would you also consider that the people around you do as well? Your behavior gets graded...your testimony gets put to the test every day.
Curious word, this dokimazo ...in the days of Paul it described how precious metals were tested by fire to see whether they were authentic. If you had a metal or a coin that met the testing standards, your metal was called dokimos. If it failed it was called adokimos...meaning a failure. say, didn't we just talk about that word yesterday?
Paul tells about the day of Heavenly dokimazo testing when he says "each man’s work will become evident; for the day will show it, because it is to be revealed with fire; and the fire itself will test (dokimazo) the quality of each man’s work." (1 Co 3:13) . This refers to when the Christian's work will be judged and see what kind of reward each Believer will get.
Paul also states that we should have Heavenly, not worldy thinking, "that you may prove (dokimazo) what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." (Ro 12:2)
How do you stand up to dokimazo?