I've checked the trafffic coming to my site and want to welcome the many newcomers who want a chance to learn some Greek to share with your youth groups and Bible studies - or even just to know on your own!
I'd like to especially welcome my new friends from Texas - especially those in the Dallas area. Please drop me a line!
Jesus is called LOGOS in John 1:1, meaning the Word...why?
John used this terms to explain Jesus to both the Hebrews and the Greeks.
To the Greeks, John explained that Jesus was the fulfillment of the definition for LOGOS. The Greeks wanted to express a god that was well above all of their mythological cartoon-y gods who argued, fought, and acted whimsical. To them, the ultimate God would be above all explanation. The Greeks saw logos as the Great Mind, the Universal Control above all gods and powers... the "Ultimate Reason" that controlled all parts of the universe.
The Hebrews even used the term "word" when talking about Almighty God. You can see an example in Exodus 19:17 ("Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God" was also translated "Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet the word of God." They felt that His Word was Himself, and that His Word expressed all that He was.
That's the reason why the mysterious LOGOS was used... no mystery about it!