The word translated "wept" is the Greek verb klaio, "weep, cry, or bewail." Strong's Concordance gives a powerful definition: " weeping as the sign of pain and grief for the thing signified."
It's heart-wrenching, deep sobbing of grief. This inot a snioffling. This is a soul-churning wail.
It's used in Matthew 2:18 to describe the screams of the mothers whose children were murdered.
It's used in Matthew 26:75 tp describe Peter's grief over denying Christ.
It's used in John 20:11 to describe Mary when she thought she would never see Jesus again.
Powerful displays of grief with this word klaio.
And it's used in Luke 19:41 to describe Jesus' sobbing over Jerusalem and the people's rejection of the Truth. Such is the compassion of the Savior.