Students, tomorrow you will be tested on the alphabet (lower case) in class. You'll need to list the alphabet Greek symbols in the proper order. If you need a review, simply go to the bottom of this page and review the chart. You're doing fine...keep up the good work!
Mary (v. 33) was weeping (Gr: klaio) , but it was a wailing, loud piteous cry. Jesus' weeping (Greek root word dakruo) denotes a quiet, humble crying. Jesus was not performing for the public - He was truly heartbroken. This is a savior who has feeling and depth. This is a Jesus who cares about us.
The Greeks imagined that an all-powerful God would be above emotion, for emotion, they felt was a weakness. The god of the Greeks was a stoic in the ultimate sense of the word! Yet here we have Jesus who was weeping out of compassion for the family who grieved.
Mary (v. 33) was weeping (Gr: klaio) , but it was a wailing, loud piteous cry. Jesus' weeping (Greek root word dakruo) denotes a quiet, humble crying. Jesus was not performing for the public - He was truly heartbroken. This is a savior who has feeling and depth. This is a Jesus who cares about us.